On Tuesday, March 1,2022 the English teacher of MTs.Miftahul Ulum 2 Banyuputih Kidul attending MGMP PKB (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran Pengembangan Keprofesian Berkelanjutan) Forum in MTsN 1 Lumajang. In this chapter, The goal of this forum is having the products they are:
1. LKPD (Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik) for 7th grade in MTs ;
2. Ujian Madrasah 2022 Questions with the keys of answer and kisi kisi soal according to Based Competence in each grade. For today the activity of this forum is Analysing, discussing and finishing UM Test for English subject. Guided by Mr.Buari and Mr.Udin as the Leader of MGMP all MTs in Lumajang we are sharing each other how to construct the best question and the choice for Ujian Madrasah 2022. All the participance is divided into 16groups according to Based Competence in grade 7,8,9; each group consist of 3person. And we got the last group with the Based Competence 3.13 that talking about song lyric. So we have to construct about song lyric for UM Questions 2022. We have to make five questions about the song lyrics, then submitted in the leader, and today we talking about the all questions, correct each questions, construct the question with the clue in order to students doing the literacy activity. So to construct the question is have to give the naration in order to the students doing the literacy activity, not only see the picture. Even for the multiple choice, we have to make it balance for the choice. Do not different extremely.
That is all for the MGMP PKB today, we’ll see in the next activity next week.